7 Common eCommerce Myths Exposed

7 Common eCommerce Myths Exposed

This is the era of massive data and easy access, and while it is beneficial in numerous ways, misinformation travels equally fast and affects almost everything in its wake. In general, the eCommerce experience has now become just as reliable for customers, if not more, as shopping from brick-and-mortar stores. However, some myths continue to prevail and put potential sellers in doubt. In this article, we attempt to debunk seven of the most common myths regarding eCommerce. Read on to see if there’s a myth that you’ve heard of and possibly even believed in.

Myth #1: E-commerce Is Easy

Anyone who has dabbled in eCommerce knows that it is anything but easy. While eCommerce aims to better streamline some processes and offer easier access to customers, it requires a fair amount of work to succeed at it. In no way is eCommerce a shortcut to guaranteed success. The market has plenty of competition and requires you to put in additional effort and invest more resources into presenting something that stands out and paves way for itself. The customers have a growing and ever-changing set of demands that must be consistently met for ensuring loyalty and a long-term relationship. To succeed in eCommerce, one must focus their resources completely on developing a winner strategy.

Myth #2: There Is No Room for New Sellers

While eCommerce unarguably has a lot of competition in the market, it does not mean new sellers can’t become game. As long as you define your business well and thoroughly understand your market, you are all set to make your name. The consumer requirements are constantly evolving and there is no room for sellers who refuse to adapt to cater to these evolving needs. Any seller that understands the needs of his customers, maintains quality products and customer service, and delivers what he promises, can surely thrive.

Myth #3: Customers Prefer Lower Price Tags Over Product Quality

If you think your eCommerce business requires you to offer your products at prices lower than your competition for securing customers, then you’re wrong. Yes, by doing that you may possibly cut back a lot on your potential profits. The reason why sometimes most customers judge products based on their price tags is because the seller has failed to market the added value to their product. If you have strategically marketed what makes your product different from the other available options, you could be selling the most expensive version in the market and still have a big customer base.

Myth #4: Your Current Customer Experience is IT!

This is a recipe for disaster! Assuming your current customer experience is perfect without backing it with results of surveys is a certain way to lose future business. To provide the best customer experience, it’s essential to streamline all your operations and train your staff to value each customer and offer support wherever possible. Your online platform must be constantly reviewed, updated, and improved to ensure a seamless browsing and online shopping experience. In case of customer queries and complaints, the support staff must be vigilantly available for guidance and follow-up. The unboxing experience also matters a lot nowadays, so you may consider offering the added value of custom packaging or even eco-friendly packaging and a luxury vibe to make your customers feel extra special.

Myth #5: Building an eCommerce Niche isn’t Profitable

Many businesses assume that it’s better to offer products for consumption by the public than build a specific niche. It’s true that it reduces your targeted customer, but if marketed and maintained properly, it helps you secure customers who build long-term relationships with you and choose to bring their business to you every single time.

Myth #6: You Don’t Need SEO for Generating Organic Traffic

If you are assuming that organic traffic will find its way to your platform without putting any effort into a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy, then you couldn’t be further from the truth. If you are selling across multiple channels, then you need to plan and optimize your marketing campaigns differently for each of those channels in a way that works best with them. SEO is integral to using the right keywords that your potential customers will most likely use when searching for products they need, and with several competitors in the market, you cannot risk not even being found let alone considered.

Myth #7: Outsourcing Fulfillment Is Only for Businesses with High Sales Volume

Many businesses, especially smaller and newer businesses, fail to reach their true potential because the bright minds that conceived them decided not to take outside help.

While it’s hard to trust another company with your business, seasoned experts can help you focus on what you plan to do with your business and cater to all the stages of fulfillment in the best way possible. Not only can outsourcing eCommerce fulfillment help you attract a spike in customer demand, but it can also facilitate you in better catering to it. Managing a business successfully isn’t solely about the demand of your product, but how well you meet it. However, it is essential to carefully search for the right 3PL provider that suits your business needs and your sales volume, and only then agree to collaborate.

Are there any other eCommerce myths that you have heard of that we haven't debunked?